1) Half Tunnel
2) Outer Panel
3) Back Panel
4) Tunnel Platform
5) Outer Panel Bracket
6) Slab Stopper Element
7) Wall Stopper Element
8) Balance Beam
9) Kicker Element
10) Heater







Tunnel Formwork is a system that the wall and the slab concrete casted together. This system is suitable for house projects, hotels, mall projects and other buildings that repeating the architectrual details. By its structural properties and using wire mesh, daily cycle is allowed for casting.

Initial investment of the tunnel formwork is expensive than the classic conventional systems but by using the formworks 500 times; the unit formwork cost for concrete surface is less than all systems. When we compared the tunnel formwork system with classical systems, advantages of tunnel formwork is more than it’s disadvantages.


Fast Casting Period: Daily cycle is allowed except the weather conditions like the strong wind and temparature below -10°C. (By using additives in concrete on cold wheather conditions) Total 30 person (15 workers for formwork and 13 workers for steel and 2 workers for electric installation) is enough for 300¬-350 m² foot print slab area for daily cycle.

Low Cost: : By the speed of this system , cost of concrete casting for grey structure is so small. Also the usage of the precast units (facade, stairs, balcony, parapets) and reservations (door, Wall etc) give big advantage in finishing works.

High Concrete Surface Quality: The concrete only needs thin plaster.

Easy Using: The system can be used by few qualified worker. By using the systems every day, all the workers memorize what they will do.

Safety: The style of using system and requirements of the system provides a safety working area and condition to the site staff.

Modulation: By adding some extra elements and adaptors, formwork can be used again and again for further projects.
Tamer assists you for getting most suitable formwork area and solution in order to maximize your profit.